Thursday, September 5, 2013

Think Before You Click - Social Media vs. Getting A Job

By Jillian Clarke

After skimming the headlines on the Yahoo! homepage yesterday, I came across an article that relates to nearly all people who are looking to enter the workforce or stay in it. The article is about how our personal social media outlets can make or break our employment status. While many people might know not to post half-naked pictures of yourself drinking 7 beers at a club on a school night, there are some people who use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to showcase the times of their lives. However, when it comes to applying for an internship or a job, employers are making a habit of checking out candidates on the Internet.

With more employers turning to the Internet to check out applicants, this article suggests you monitor what type of image you give to the public on your social media pages. I enjoyed this article because it prompts readers to monitor what they put on social media but also to vamp up social media pages to show employers why you would be a good choice.

I've always been careful about what I put online (not that I do anything crazy.. I think the "worst" picture I've posted on Facebook is of me and the one drink I had on my 21st..). However, this article has really made me want to give some of my social media outlets a makeover. Instead of being somewhat sarcastic, witty and a bit negative on Twitter, I might try focusing more on praising companies I like for the cool things they are doing.

Some simple changes to our social media pages can enhance our eligibility for a dream job. Why not seize the opportunity to do so? Especially since social media is becoming an even bigger part of our lives; like it or not.

So, I dare you. Start making small changes to your Facebook profile or to the kind of Instagram pictures you are sharing with the world. Those tweaks could be the difference between landing your big break at your favorite company or getting denied over and over.

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